Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mother's Night & Heathen Genealogy

In my roles as a Folklorist, Heathen, Cultural Anthropologist, and a Genealogist, I am more than conscious of the importance that Mother's play in the preservation and gifting of Familial Lore. Each generation was taught the lore of the clan at their "mother's knee". That is to say a woman (maybe not the person's biological
mother)passed on to them all the lore(including those relating to food and familial customs)needed to function as a member of the clan.

Without familial or Clan bonds life becomes somewhat meaningless. Our mothers gave us birth and insured that we could function as individuals, but there remains that tie. As one whose mother has chosen to cut off all ties, I look to those who have followed my chosen path (Heathen and Academic)for wisdom and insight as to how to function within the context of a group or Kindred. So should we all.

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